Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Customers!

I know it's hard to give up all of your old cleaning supplies all at once. Why not try going green gradually?

One of my hostesses just emailed me, and I thought I'd share part of it: 

I love my new mop!
We went Norwex crazy here this weekend. Dumped some old chemical cleaners that I have held onto "just in case".  Quite freeing, I must say.

  I challenge you to try some of the Norwex products to see how they compare to the chemical competitors!I'm sure you will find that not only do they do a better job, but they are less expensive too!


I would love to hear your stories . . .  leave a comment on the Blog or email me at joan.badger@gmail.com


 If you're interested in hosting a party, check out the February hostess specials!

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